Kristina and Patrick Reilly are two Americans born and raised in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago. Kristina was offered an Expat opportunity through her current employer in the summer of 2020. After giving it much thought, they decided to go for it! The Reilly’s packed their bags and moved to Düsseldorf, Germany, in November 2020.
What is an Expat, you may ask? An Expat is short for an Expatriate, a person residing in a country other than their native land. The Reilly’s took on a two-year assignment that will give them the ability to be fully immersed in a whole new culture. What really excited them the most is the opportunity to travel around Europe and surrounding areas. But one major hurdle at the moment is the current Covid-19 pandemic.
They have high hopes that the lockdown will ease soon, but currently, there are every changing rules and restrictions they follow to keep them safe. They are eager to host their family and friends in their new home and cannot wait to show them the beautiful city of Düsseldorf.
One night as the Reilly’s were catching up with some friends, they loved hearing all their stories they were sharing. This gave Pat a thought, why not document this whole experience in the form of a podcast. It would be a great way to capture these moments and be able to share them with others. Their friends loved the idea, and The Real Life of Expats was born.
You can find the Real Life of Expats podcast on iTunes and Spotify. Be sure to subscribe today, as new episodes will be released weekly. You can connect with them through their Facebook and Instagram pages as they would love to hear your feedback.
They have many great topics lined up for everyone and are so excited to be taking you all on this journey.